Tadamon project’s first year yielded significant benefits for Jana foundation, exposing it to a range of experiences previously unavailable to her.

 Tadamon project’s first year yielded significant benefits for Jana foundation, exposing it to a range of experiences previously unavailable to her.

The Aden Governorate-based Jana Foundation is proud to be among the 30 Yemeni local organizations selected to participate in the NGO Empowerment Project in Yemen (Tadamon). This initiative, implemented by Al-Awn Foundation for Development in collaboration with the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), focuses on strengthening the capabilities of local NGOs.

 Throughout 2023, four Jana Foundation staff members benefited from a comprehensive training program covering crucial areas like community development, humanitarian needs assessment, project proposal writing, and funding mobilization.

Evolution in the potential of employees

Jana Organization’s leadership has witnessed a significant improvement in the skills of individuals who participated in training programs. These advancements include expertise in conducting needs assessments, crafting compelling project proposals, and securing funding. Throughout 2023, Jana successfully implemented 27 projects addressing various poverty reduction initiatives. Furthermore, leveraging the acquired training methodologies, the organization designed and wrote 10 new project proposals, primarily focused on poverty alleviation efforts.

Great benefit

Regarding the consultations received by Jana, the President of the organization, Ms. Hawyda, said: “The greatest benefit from Tadamon project lies in benefiting from the advisory services that Jana received in 2023, these advisory services directly equipped the organization with the necessary skills to secure partnerships with donors, including FAO, in 2024.

Highlights of Change

Our organization has undergone a significant development with the creation of a Grants and Partnerships department. This new department reflects our successful participation in the Tadamon project’s funding mobilization training course. As a result, we can now integrate our new memberships within the protection and water clusters, expanding our reach and impact.